Pulse of love
Placid blue skies mirror passing clouds and flowing streams
A dimming red that's no longer flush, like swirling fallen petals
A new dawn beckons, nourished by fresh morning dews
Encounters are written in the stars
That chases the beat of mighty land and roaring rivers
Laced too as it is with drifting snow and blanketing unknowns
and ruffled by broiling undercurrents
The universe was a muddle, but heaven and earth gradually came to coexist in harmony
My heart opens, the warm blood within throbs
Like a dense canvas of flowers in full bloom
Everything bears the indelible and unmistakable imprint of something called love
天青淡淡, 流水行雲
嫣紅暗暗, 落花飛舞
紫氣東來, 露滴凝滋
前世今生, 萍水相逢
彷彿大地曲流, 奔湧澎湃
又如瓢雪洪荒, 卻滾起絲絲紅浪
混沌蒼生, 天地交泰
打開我的心扉, 熱血乃在流澢
Ringo Tang
Ringo Tang(b.1961-‐Hong Kong) -‐ multimedia visual artist, photographer, TVC director. His acute awareness of the art scene is visible in his many faceted works. His keen mind makes him always experimenting with something new and pushing to the edge. Ringo has worked as a professional photographer since 1984 and began filmmaking in 1994. His works have collected by Hong Kong Heritage Museum and private galleries. Ringo is also committed to the community, developing special cultural projects of the time.
鄧鉅榮 一九六一年生於香港 多媒體視像工作者 攝影師 廣告導演。遊歷於人風物境之間。其敏銳及獨特的個人風格見於其多面化的作品。鄧於一九八四年開始從事專業攝影活動。九四年開始參與廣告拍攝及導演工作。其作品被香港文化博物館及私人畫廊收藏。更積極參與現時多項社會文化義務活動。