由生息藝術文化主辦的生息藝術展2018 -〈小城 · 大愛〉於2018年12月18日至24日假香港文化中心展覽館舉辦,希望啟發觀者用不同思維去感受身邊的環境;同時讓他們感受到,即使我們生活在世界上最擠擁的城市之一,也可以享受藝術為生活帶來的養分。
生息藝術展2018 -〈小城 · 大愛〉由本地知名藝術家楊素珊及陳竹君擔任策展人,匯聚四十二位不同年齡、多元背景的香港獨立藝術家,利用不同媒介,透過他們的繪畫、攝影、雕塑、裝置、書法及文字創作等「微小」的藝術創作,匯集成創意無限的多媒體藝術展。其中,五位來自香港展能藝術會的「展能藝術家」亦通過他們手中的鏡頭,為觀者呈現他們眼中的世界;而是次展覽的部分收益將捐予香港展能藝術會,協助推動殘疾人士參與及發展藝術才能的平等機會,並提倡透過藝術建立共融社會。
Breathe Life Arts & Culture is pleased to present Breathe Life Arts Exhibition 2018 – Small Art · Big Heart which will take place at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre from 18–24 December, 2018. The aim of this exhibition is to inspire the way we see Hong Kong – our community and its environment, as well as promote enjoyment of the arts and appreciation of life in one of the world’s most overcrowded cities.
Small Art · Big Heart is curated by Hong Kong renowned artists Susan Yeung and Ada Chan. Together with more than 40 independent Hong Kong artists of various mediums, age and background, our objective is to create an embracive show of diversity. Through a smaller sized format of drawings, paintings, photography, sculptures and installations, we have put together a multi-media collection of creative minds beyond space constraints. This year, we are also honoured to introduce five artists from Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK). Moreover, part of the proceeds from this exhibition will be donated to ADAHK in support of artists with disabilities in Hong Kong.
This exhibition showcases more than 200 works in an area of less than 300 square meters. These artworks are encrypted with a certain message of love, hope and friendship. Most of the artworks are approximately 12’’ x 12’’. Given this size constraint, our artists created artworks under a scarcity of space, hence very Hong Kong small home-friendly. Nevertheless, we believe that small scale art pieces can still make impactful bold statements. Even the quietest sound has a right to be heard; the tiniest artworks convey love and deserve appreciation.