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Danny Lee 李展輝


"Mountainscape and Water"


The term "mountain and water" in Chinese art takes on a distinct essence, diverging from Western notions of landscape. In China, it embodies a profound philosophical interpretation, where the wisdom of "the benevolent enjoy the mountains, and the wise delight in water" reflects essential truths about life and existence.


"Mountain and water" signifies a spiritual exploration, where ancient scholars found inspiration and enlightenment amidst nature's grandeur. As Confucius expressed, "The wise find joy in water, while the benevolent find joy in mountains." This belief resonates with literati and artists who have historically depicted the beauty of mountain and water in their works, aiming to purify and nourish the human spirit.

《 山 水 》







孔子云:「知者樂水,仁者樂 山」,文人雅士相信從山水中可以悟出許多人生哲理,藉以洗滌滋潤人性心靈。自古無數騷人墨客喜以書畫表現山水之美,我以雕塑作一幅立體的山水作品,除了表達對「山水」這兩個課題的思考外,亦希望邀請觀眾在繁忙的生活中稍作歇息,靜心與作者一同遊山玩水,並細想我們在日常生活中所栽下的一切。


遊歴於山水造景中,在重重的視覺與含義之間的轉化,亦是觀照過程的體驗; 在遊歴山水之間時,從自然的領略引出了自省、非物之想,繼而臻精神之勝境,謙虛靜心忘懐本體,與造化合一至看山是山看水是水之境界。

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