Standard Paper
Artwork size per piece: 297 x 210mm
Artwork size with wooden frame per piece: 325 x 245mm
Standard Paper is an on-going project since 2011. It is a collection of hand-made papers with wild grasses. In this work, it reveals our modern society and capitalism have turned our relationship with earth into an indirect form. And through the process of collecting wild plants and hand crafts, it reconnects the relationship between the user, maker, and the land.
Benjamin Hao
Hao Lap Yan Benjamin was born in Hong Kong and currently traveling for his research and study. Hao has gained his BFA from RMIT and Hong Kong Art school. He has just been awarded his interdisciplinary art MFA of University of Hartford. His practice examines the relationship among human being, nature and society, meanwhile stimulates reflection and reimagination through his art. His works and projects have been exhibited and taken place in Hong Kong, China, Macedonia, Iceland and U.S.A.