Title: City(196-207)
Illumination (12-24)
38cm x 38cm
Color and Ink on Rice Paper
Forbes Chung
Chinese Ink is Forbes F. Chung’s favourite artistic medium.
Due to his unique and competent style, he has been regarded as a pioneer of Contemporary Chinese Abstract Expressionism.
Chung was born in 1994. From a young age, Chung has been suffering from dyslexia, lop-sidedness and spinal deceases. He projects his feelings on canvas in the forms of Chinese calligraphy and abstract colours.
Through ink and paper, he presents his relativist philosophy against the absolute rights and wrongs. He created a unique aesthetic language that defies worldly preconceptions, serving as a gateway to the metaphysical world.
As the Buddhists put it, our every action starts from a conception. A concept is fundamentally neutral. In life, whenever we perceive and conceive we gradually build up a believe system, a set of preconceptions and prejudices. Holding on to certain believes encourages obsessive behaviours that lead us to pain.
We should rid ourselves of these harmful preconceptions and return to the pure.
To Chung, calligraphy is, and should be a pure form of mark making. The moment the brush is inked and raised, his mind enters a free roaming state - one that allows new ideas to freely manifest themselves. His calligraphic work takes on its own life: some are mirrored, others are deconstructed and reconstructed. Some serves as a form of cultural parody. It is refreshing to see Chinese characters reimagined through Chung’s lenses.